Isha Education Trust

“Education is about empowerment, about cultivating a human being to the highest possible potential – a tool for fulfilling the immensity of Being.”
– Sadhguru

Isha Education Trust has been established to cater to the various educational needs of a demographically diverse population. It has launched initiatives for rural and urban populations with specific objectives. Isha Education encompasses three wings of education:

Isha Vidhya

Isha Vidhya is an educational initiative dedicated to the economic and social empowerment of rural children by raising the level of education. It provides quality English-language-based, computer-aided education, nutritious mid-day meals and support in several other aspects to ensure their holistic development.

Isha Home School

Isha Home School is a residential institution dedicated to offering quality education in a nurturing home-like environment. All aspects of the school are crafted to kindle the innate curiosity within every child. Designed specifically for the inner blossoming and well-rounded development of children, it focuses not only on developing a child's intellectual capacities but also on providing opportunities to explore other dimensions of life.

Sadhguru Academy

Established in 2012, the Sadhguru Academy offers the highest quality of leadership education by integrating external skill sets with tools for wellbeing. It will offer a 4.5-year integrated undergraduate and masters program as well as executive programs for business leaders.

Contact Us

SEMMEDU POST, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 641114